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a web tool designed to help you create .gitignore files for your Git repositories
Calculate your pet's age in human years.
Generate, edit, save and share Tailwind CSS color shades based on a given hexcode or HSL color.
Protect your email address, make it an image.
The more you play, the smarter you become.
A polyglot web code converter
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Copy-paste the source code and the beautifier will prettify and syntax-highlight the code
Collection of modern, background snippets. Ready to use, simply copy and paste it into your next project. All snippets are crafted with Tailwind CSS.
A collection of Tailwind CSS buttons designed to enhance your website's look. Easy to integrate with a copy-paste, no javascript
A simple tool that can decode and verify JWT (JSON Web Token).You can check the header and payload from the JWT token.
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A CSS generator that helps you demonstrate and quickly generate CSS declarations for your website. It comes with many useful generator tools with many options and they demonstrate instantly.
Accurately parse URLs and easily retrieve information such as query parameters, protocols, hosts, etc.
A simple web app which helps you generate random avatar.
A simple web app which helps developers to design and implement custom scrollbars.
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Minimalist sticky notes
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Create and export beautiful mesh gradients
Create and export beautiful blobs
Create and export beautiful gradients
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